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- Polotovar.iLogicVb
'From Try 'oHoldingPositionName = InputBox("Specify the N A M E of the new iProperty", "Cadline Community - iProperty Name", "New") oValue = InputBox("Specify the V A L U E of the new iProperty", "Cadline Community - iProperty Value", "1") 'iProperties.Value("Custom", oHoldingPositionName) = oValue 'iProperties.Value("Custom", "POLOTOVAR") = oValue iProperties.Value(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DisplayName,"Custom", "POLOTOVAR") = oValue Catch End Try
- zzz_Polotovar.iLogicVb
If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> kDrawingDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("Prosím, spustě toto pravidlo nad VÝKRESem", "iLogic") Exit Sub End If 'MessageBox.Show("Bylo spuštěno nad výkresem, DĚKUJI", "iLogic") Try oValue = InputBox("Zadej polotovar", "AUTOMA - polotovar", iProperties.Value(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DisplayName,"Custom", "POLOTOVAR")) iProperties.Value(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.DisplayName, "Custom", "POLOTOVAR") = oValue ThisDoc.Document.Update Catch End Try 'Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Dim oDrawParams As UserParameters = oDrawDoc.Parameters.UserParameters 'Dim TestParam As UserParameter = oDrawParams.AddByValue("TestParam", "InitialValue", UnitsTypeEnum.kTextUnits)
- poznamky_nad_razitko.iLogicVb
'iLogic code by Clint Brown @ClintBrown3D 'Originally posted at SetNotePath = "C:\TEMP\Notes.txt" ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' a reference to the active sheet. Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' a reference to the GeneralNotes object Dim oGeneralNotes As GeneralNotes oGeneralNotes = oActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.GeneralNotes Dim oTG As TransientGeometry oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry '----------READ IN DATA From TEXT File -------------------- oRead = System.IO.File.OpenText(SetNotePath) EntireFile = oRead.ReadToEnd() oRead.Close() Dim sText As String sText = EntireFile '----------READ IN DATA From TEXT File -------------------- Dim oGeneralNote As GeneralNote 'oGeneralNote = oGeneralNotes.AddFitted(oTG.CreatePoint2d(3, 40), sText) 'Top Left 'oGeneralNote = oGeneralNotes.AddFitted(oTG.CreatePoint2d(50, 40), sText) 'Top Right oGeneralNote = oGeneralNotes.AddFitted(oTG.CreatePoint2d(50, 8), sText) 'Bottom Right 'oGeneralNote = oGeneralNotes.AddFitted(oTG.CreatePoint2d(3, 6), sText) 'Bottom Left
inventor/ilogic.1634453376.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2021/10/17 06:49 autor: Zdeněk Havlík