====== Programování v Dev-C++ ====== Windows 7 - Dev-C++\\ Windows 10 - xwDev-C++ (momentálně nejde), při kompilaci vyskauje chyba ''-1073741819''\\ - nastavení kompatibility na Win7 zatím pomohlo Knihovny - lmysql, -lcurses ===== Debug ===== * First, make sure you are using a project. * Go to ''Project Options - Compiler - Linker'' and set ''Generate debugging information'' to "**yes**" * Make sure you are not using any optimization options * check the Parameters tab, make sure you don't have any optimization options (like -O2 or -O3, but -O0 is ok because it means no optimization) or strip option (-s). * Do a full rebuild ''(Ctrl-F11)'' * Set breakpoint(s) where you want the debugger to stop. To set a breakpoint on a line, just click on the gutter (the gray band on the left), or press ''Ctrl-F5''. * You are ready to launch the debugger, by pressing F8 or clicking the debug button. * you can step through the code, entering function calls, by pressing ''Shift-F7'' or the "step into" button, or stepping over the function calls, by pressing ''F7'' or the "next step" button. * You can press ''Ctrl-F7'' or the "continue" button to continue execution till the next breakpoint. ==== Information ==== * At any time, you can add or remove breakpoints. * When the program stopped at a breakpoint and you are stepping through the code, you can display the values of various variables in your program by putting your mouse over them, or you can display variables and expressions by pressing ''F4'' or the "add watch" button and typing the expression. * For more information refer to the help included with //Dev-C++//. Zdroj: http://eilat.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/cis1_5/HowToDebug.htm